Thursday, December 17, 2009

Prompt #3

After volunteeting, I have realized that with different students, teachers need to use different teaching methods. I have witnessed that some students will pick up concepts as they listen to the teacher explain the steps while other students need to practice the problems a couple times on paper. As a teacher it is our duty to do whatever it takes to make sure every student in our class understand the concepts before you move on.
In the classroom I worked in there was many students who either had trouble understanding the concepts at first or would barely pay attention and not try to hard to understand. Some were trying very hard to get the concept but couldnt understand it. In situations like this the teacher would have me work with those students until they understood. I would have to work with the students and try to figure out why they can not understand. Then I would have to explain the concepts in another way that would have them see the problem in a new way. After the students look at the problem in a new way they usually can figure out the concepts. With the students who were uniterested in learned the concepts I would have to work with them and someone get them interested. Usually I would relate the problem to something they would use daily such the amount of food to bring to a picnic depending on how many people are there. This would give them more reason to understand the knowledge. If a student was giving up and becoming discouraged I work with them to cheer them up and make them understand that if they work at it long enough they will be able to figure it out. With some stiudent If i solve the problem in front of them and have them watch they will pick up the concepts.
In the class I was in the teacher would have the students stand up and solve the problem in front of the class. They would explain what they did until the problem was solved. This was a good method because it allowed the other students to point out if she did something wrong and help her solve the problem. This is a collabrative way the students can help each other learn. It is good because since the students are at the same age they understand how each other think, sometimes better than we can as adults.
I feel that in the little experience I have so far, I have already been able to pick up concepts on how to adjust my teaching methods to the different students learning styles. I have already experienced many different students with many different ways of learning and I have realized that I have the ability to teach each and every one of them if I put some time in with them and figure out why they dont understand.

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